Thursday, February 28, 2013


Noah finally is all better. Actually he has been for a couple days but I forgot to mention that. Also I am all better as well. Sean luckily never caught the bug that was going around. Yay for blessings :) He was able to stay focused on school and taking care of his sickly family.

Things have been good with the Howell family. Sean is doing great in school and is really interested in his greek history class. He has an obsession with Alexander lately and loves to watch documentaries about him. He has healed up really well from his Hernia surgery. He has even started doing some core excersises and feels really good about them. He is being careful to not over do it too fast but is confidant that he can get right back to his old work out routine. This time just no holding his breath while doing a pull up. He is going to start going back to the gym every morning like he used to this week. Yay for him! He is a happy man when he is able to get his work out on. All that manly testosterone needs some where to go.

Noah is a little sponge of learning and we love it! He repeats words and remembers what they are connected to. He knows his  ears, eyes, mouth, nose, belly button. He also loves to say proudly "pee" when he sees someone going to the bathroom. He has been showing a lot of interest in the potty. We bought a potty seat and step stool this week but he has yet to use it. So far he has just played with the seat and carried around the apartment. Its good for him to get familar with it and make it his own. He did however pee on the toilet with out the seat on it two days ago. My baby is going into the potty training days! Its so crazy. We realize that he might lose interest but for now we are going with it. It would be pretty convienent to have him potty trained before or just after Rebekah is born. I would LOVE to not have to change double the diapers. We will just see what Noah decides to do. We don't want to push it.

So! The potty story: Sean's mom was watching Noah during the day at our apartment on Tuesday this week. I got home from work and Noah and I played while she let me know how their day went. She said that he pooped and right away grabbed a diaper and handed it to her saying "pee". He hasn't figured out poop yet. Thats a good sign of readiness for potty training that he knows when he goes. While he is peeing often times he will let us know as well as he is going in his diaper. He is a pretty smart kid! So after she left Noah and I played some more and then all of a sudden Noah grabbed his diaper at the crotch and said pee. I felt it and he had already gone but I figured might as well just start making the connection for him that pee goes in the potty. So I took off his pants and diaper and held him on the toilet. He laughed and sat there for a minute saying pee over and over. Then a little trickle of pee came out! I was so happy for him. It was probably just because I had been holding him there at the right moment but still pretty awesome that he knew pee goes in the toilet. I said "yay!" and "good job" He loved the excitment. He then grabbed a bunch of toilet paper and threw it in the toilet saying "paper". haha. I let him flush the toilet and put a new diaper on him. Right as I was doing that Daddy came home. I yelled at him from the room the good news. He straight away went to the kitchen and grabbed an M&M and gave it to Noah as a treat for his good job. Noah was so happy. That was the only time he has wanted to sit on the potty since but we will see how things go in the next couple weeks if he stays interested in potty.

Wednesday I went to a Zumba class with my good friend Melissa and her cousin. I usually am horrible with working out but that was actually really fun! Zumba is just a high pace dance/workout class. It has fun moves to hip hop music that get your cardio on big time. Melissa and I being pregnant had to modify some of the moves to accomidate our big bellys and tired bodies but it was still a good work out. The class was at Gold's Gym. Since I don't have a membership I had to pay $5 to go. Sean has a membership there And goes in the mornings. Melissa just got a membership and she gets to bring a friend for free but we decided to split the gym cost and each pay $7.50 and go every week. Then I can go after Noah goes to bed 2 days a week and that will give Sean time to study with no distractions.

I had a dr appointment on Thursday. I'm measuring on schedule. I've only gained 8 pounds but dr Hazelrigg isn't concerned cuz I didn't gain much with Noah either. All my vitamin levels are good and Rebekah has a nice strong heartbeat. I'm having pretty bad hemroids this time around which suck but I finally got a prescription to treat it. Yay ! Haha. Tmi but tis the nature of my blog.


Monday, February 25, 2013

Baby Bump Update

Here are the pictures of my growing belly :)

Pregnancy is going well. Finally over the morning sickness fully. Rebekah is moving and kicking so much now its awesome. She is such a sweet baby. Noah loves his baby sister... or at least he loves to touch her and sit on my belly as she kicks at him. Its pretty fun being pregnant and having a toddler to experience it with. Sean has felt Rebekah move a couple times. I can't wait til she starts moving stronger so that he can feel her more often.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Mommy work is hard work

Noah has been getting better slowly. He still has fit moments where the pain is just too much so he cries and screams. But most of the day was filled with silly Noah-ness. He is such an angel. Its really hard to see him in such discomfort. I had a really bad moment Saturday night. it was a long long day, Noah was so fussy and in so much pain, I hadn't gotten much sleep at all the night before, and I had started to get sick that day too. Sean was at work all day so it was just me and baby man. We had a pretty good morning just resting and cuddling. Then we went to my parents house so they could watch Noah while I went and did a massage. That was a lot of work for my poor tired preggie body but I did pretty awesome cuz I got a $10 tip :) Then after the massage I met up with my family at their ward picnic. Noah had a blast. He really clung to my Dad most of the time which my Dad loved. Usually he doesn't get much time with him cuz he works really late and Noah goes to bed early. So he doesn't let him hold him that often. He is warming up though so thats great.

After the picnic we went home. We were both so very exhausted. He went to sleep right when we got home. I did some cleaning and read and watched some tv. I should have gone to sleep. About 9pm Noah woke up screaming and crying. I gave him his medicine, cuddled him, sang to him, tried to feed him some food (he threw it), tried to give him a sippy cup (he threw that too). I was so tired so I called my dad to come over and help cuz Sean was at work still for another half hour. He helped me get Noah calmed down and I was able to sit and rest for a while. Sean came home and brought Noah ice cream and me a Big Mac and fries. What a good husband and father. Im so grateful for my dad too. He told me that there are tough times but that there are mostly good times and we need to concentrate on those. I was just so tired watching a screaming child was not something I was up for at that moment.

Today was much much better! Noah and I spent the day with my mom. We took her to lunch at Applebees and then went shopping at walmart. Then my mom and Justin helped me bring the groceries to my apartment. Mom hadn't seen our place yet so she was excited to come see. We hung out for awhile and played with bug. Noah went to bed early and has been sleeping well. Now Sean and I are just watching some tv. Its been a good day.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Lovers Day!

Yesterday was lovers day, aka: Valentines day! Sean and I aren't that big on presents. We enjoy recieving gifts of couse, I mean who doesn't right?! But we just have a hard time buying them for each other. Typically if we really want something we budget for it, save and buy it. Also we would rather make memories with a fun date activity or something than buy a present. So we decided that we would just stay home and watch a movie and get take out. Of couse we would have tons of cuddle time too :) Our little Noah is sick so that was also a factor in us wanting to stay in that night as well. He went to sleep at 6pm and we began our night of loves. We rented two movies from redbox (free rental promo codes are wonderful!), Sean went to Buffalo Wild Wings and got us a ton of wings to feast on. Before going home from work I had stopped at the store and picked up some other goodies of donuts, brownies, cheetos and milk. It was nice to just chill at home and enjoy each others company. Sean is such a sweetheart. He takes care of me and Noah and Rebekah so perfectly. He is a worthy preisthood holder, hard worker, great student in school and amazing father and husband. I couldn't have asked for a better man to be with for eternity :) He is my world, my love and my best friend. Love you Dear Husband, thanks for being mine.


Sickly Sam Baby Man

Our poor Noah boy is sick. Its so horrible to have a child sick and not be able to do much to relieve the pain. Cuddles is really all we can do. Last night was really rough for all 3 of us. Sean was exhusted from the night before and I was exhuasted due to being all pregnant and a long day at work. Noah was worse off and hadn't taken a nap all day. He couldn't sleep since his nose would get all clogged and he couldn't breathe. We knew he had to have a cold by his symptoms. He was fussy, leaky nose, congested chest, horrible cough with yucky sounds in his throat, and puffy eyes. But he also wasn't eating or sleepy and he has blisters on his tounge. Last night he was in a scream fit off and on for hours. Finally I just layed him on my chest and slept propped up against the headboard of the bed. He was so miserable, but at least he got a couple hours of sleep in that position.

Sean had to go to school and I had work today so my mom took Noah into the Doctor for us. Its so hard being at work while your child is sick being watched by someone else. Even if that someone is my awesome mom. I want to be the one taking care of him. The Doctor says he has a chest and throat cold, an extremely bad infection in his right ear and he has his top two molars coming in. The cold and teething are whats causing his nose to run profusely, the cough and all that. The blisters on his tounge and his cheeks are due to the bacteria from the cold and the ear infection. The snot and all the gross infection are leaking down in throat and in his mouth. So his has been prescribed Amoxicillin for the ear infection. For the cold he just needs lots of love and affection and tyenol. The teething just sucks. We just feel so bad for our little guy. Even though he is in pain his beautiful loving personality shows through. He laughs everytime he sneezes because he finds the sound so funny. And he is so lovey. I hope he feels better asap! Sean and I will just take turns giving him all the love and cuddles we can til then. And I guess that means not much sleep for the Howells this week.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Now we know :)

I have been behind on my blogging news. I have kind of been an emotional mess the past couple days. I think its just pregnancy hormones mixed with stress. I seriously cry all the time. Its hard with Sean not able to help with as much as he used to with him being sore from his surgery. But he is getting stronger so there has been more help. ANYWAY...

Thursday. Ultrasound. Baby! Its officially for sure a GIRL! We have decided to name our little baby sweet girl Rebekah Mae Howell. She was such a cutie in the ultrasound. We got a perfect picture of her parts so we know for sure she is gal. Also she got the hiccups for a little while during it. the ultrasound lasted about an hour so we got plenty of good pictures of her. She has Seans nose just like Noah does. A little whoville baby nose. Noah was there during it and had fun looking at the screen and saying baby!

Little Rebekah is growing perfectly and I feel her move all the time now which is just lovely. I can't wait until Sean can feel her move. I'm also thinking it will be pretty fun to watch Noahs reaction when he can feel and see her move in mommy's belly.

Speaking of Noah he is being cute and sweet as ever. He talks more and more and has such a silly imagination. He loves making boxes cars and being pushed in them. He plays and giggles all day. He had a hard time the past couple days with Daddy not being able to pick him up. He was a little bitter toward Sean some nights. Its a lot better today and yesterday though with Sean feeling strong enough to at least have Noah in his lap now.