Rebekah is two months old. It's gone so fast. I know everyone says that but it's always true. We want to take in all that we can while they are small and it seems that it flies by. Bekah had grown so much physically and personality wise. She is in the 70% for weight and 50% for height. 12 pounds 5 oz and 23 inches long. It's so crazy to have such a big girl after having such a tiny boy the first time. I just love my big girly. Her cheeks are so plump and kissable. I love her smile. I think I forgot to blog that she has been smiling so much this last two weeks. We love it! Also she coos and makes tiny girly squeaks still. I've said it before, she is so very girly in everything she does! She is such a little miss and it's adorable. She has beautiful eyes that have so much love and kindness in them. I know she is going to be such a caring women someday. She is very observant and much more alert than Noah was at this age. It's probably a girl thing. She loves interacting with us and stating at Noah when he talks to her. He has been asking to sit with her and hold her more and more. I love how much he loves her. Sean is having so much fun with the two of them. I'm still dealing with the postpartum depression but at the same time I'm soaking in the precious moments with my family and dealing with the depression as it comes. I'm so grateful for a husband that is understanding and helps me in my times of need. I'm so grateful for his priesthood and the blessings I get. And I'm not graceful for my little ones. Their smiles bring me more joy than anything in the world. I'm a blessed mama. Here are some pictures from Instagram and Facebook of what's been going on with us lately. Enjoy their adorable faces.

Noah was playing a game where you feed monsters food. He gave him a hotdog but accidentally pushed it twice so there was two. He proudly said 2, 2 hotdogs mama" he is so smart!
Noah climbed up on his toy basket and said " climbin' on the toys. Look mommy look at me! I'm just playin' with the toys" it was so cute.
Andrea and Amanda watched the kids while we went to dinner with Sean's dad an his stepmom.
Noah loves giving his sister kisses. Bekah loves it!
Poor Bekah has thrush and this is the face she had when I told her. She is on an anti fungal to get rid of it.
Such a little princess. She is so gorgeous!
We just chillin'
Her auntie loves her best
Noah grabs at her all day. They are gonna be best friends.
Hey mom! Love you
That turtle is her favorite toy right now. It lights up and plays music
Noah was "reading" the Book of Mormon.
We eat Popsicles a lot here.
My sweet Rebekahs smiles
She will fall asleep in any position
This is called a "foot five" haha Noah made it up.