Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Bekah babe

My sweet Rebekah,

You are almost 1year old! In a few short weeks we will be celebrating your birthday. I know I should wait to write this then but I just felt like doing it now. I'm sure I will find some more lovely things to say about you then as well. You are after all our little baby princess. 

The house is dark and quiet now. You and your brother are asleep in your room, daddy is at work and Calli is asleep on the couch. I have time to refelct on my life and blessings. It's such a tender time. I love you my sweet baby. You are growing such an independent, wild, sweet personality and I love watching it form more and more each day. I love seeing your tiny little body walking across the room for whatever you have decided to go after now. I can see the determination in your eyes, the purpose in each step. You are still a little wobbly in your legs as you strut to your destination but you are getting stronger each day.  Daddy has taught you to beat your chest when you are happy. Its a sight to see. You look like a little monkey child every time. Daddy cracks up and you smile even bigger. You love mommy and daddy but oh you are definetly a daddy's girl. Your head perks up when you hear the kitchen door open in the early evening and I can tell y know thats daddy walking in. You stand up and walk straight to him hands in the air with little baby grunts of joy. Your face lights up when he picks you up and you beat your little chest and say "eeeeeeeeeee" I can see how proud daddy is of his little monkey baby Bekah. I love watching you two bond. 

This is typical for you and daddy. You love being up high haha. No fear. 

Your Noah has gotten more interested with playing with you over the last few weeks. He can see that you are getting bigger and can do more things like he can. He loved watching you learn to walk and would even try to coax you into walking towards him by shaking a toy at you and saying "here Becky come get this baby!" You can climb now and you use that new found talent to the fullest. You climb up on Noah's bed any chance you get and the two of you try to push each other off. You are getting so tall we think someday you will be taller than Noah. He better watch out and be a kind brother now. Haha. He sometimes has a little too much love for you and he squeezes you harder than you like and you squeal. You make baby yelling sounds and grunts when you're happy and Noah yells out "chill out Bekah!" In a silly raspy voice he does to which you just squeal and grunt more haha. Such funny thing to watch. Speaking of climbing. One of your favorite places to be at and mommy and daddy's least favorite is the window sill. You have now broken six or seven blinds haha.

 Little moster baby is one of your many nicknames. Beck, Becky, Ra-Baby, and Beckers. You know and respond to all of them. Its funny how you can tell when we are talking to or about you. Your head turns so quickly to look at us. 
This is the face you make when you are getting into something you aren't supposed to and we call out "Rebekah! Silly baby get away from that" you turn and look, smile and then go right back at it! As to say "I do what I want" When you want something you get it! Haha. Such a go getter child. 
You have learned how to drink out of a sippy cup now and we have to make sure you have one of your own or else Noah's will go empty and he gets quite upset haha. 

Even though you are independent and wild you are also so lovey, and cuddly and even clingy at times. We love it. You are like a little kuala bear. 

You for the most part sleep through the night 8pm to 8 or 9am. Sometimes there are exceptions when you wake up once in the night but you go right back to sleep after a few minutes of fussing. We put you to sleep in our room and then after Noah goes to sleep we move you to the room you share. You can say mama, dada, baba. Not very many words yet but we know your vocabulary will blossom soon enough.  Right now you are happy with eeeee, oooooo, and various grunts and sighs haha. 

You love to eat! You have four teeth, the top two middle and bottom two middle. Your favorite lately are bananas, strawberries, pancakes, potatoes in any form, life cereal, chicken nuggets, oatmeal and yogurt. 

We love you my dear Rebekah. You are our little sweetheart. I love how loving you are. I love your smile. I love you sweet spirit. I'm so happy you are mine. I will always be proud of you and love you. I hope that as you grow and learn new things you will always remember who you are. That you are a daughter of Heavenly Father. He created you. He knows and loves you very much. You have such great potential. I can't wait to see what you do in life. But don't grow up too fast. I'm happy with watching you eat crayons and other baby things for much longer :) 

Love your mommy 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother's Day Fun

Mothers Day was wonderful! Saturday Sean took me out on the most fun date we have had in a while.
We first went to Charlestons for dinner. That place is a little pricey but so worth the deliciousness. They have amazing rolls with honey drizzled on top. Its 10 times better than Texas Roadhouse. Haha. Then after dinner we went to Brunswick for bowling and games. I always thought I didn't like bowling so sean and I had never been. I went for a friends wedding party and I actually liked it and did pretty well. So I told Sean and he decided to take me again. Turns out he loves bowling! Also we are both obnoxiously competitive haha. We were getting in each other's faces and doing victory dances and smiles. He won two out of the three games. Lame. I will beat him next time. Then we had a blast playing the arcade games. We won three cheap gifts for the kids. It was so nice to be out with my honey being silly and talking and just having a good time. 

Mother's Day was great as well. I got to sleep in and then was woken up by my sweet littles and Sean with a lovely card. Noah gave me hot Cheetos for my gift haha. My gift from Sean was my awesome date. I'm not into flowers or stuffed animals. Then we went to church, went to Sean's moms house and talked to Seth on his mission and then saw my mom and family. It was a wonderful weekend :). I love my family. <3

Monday, May 12, 2014

Most Attractive People EVER! :) Thats my Family

Once again the ever so talented Andraya has made my family look good :) We love having photo sessions with her. Its always so fun and we get such a great turn out. Our kids are so so cute! Here it is, Rogers Family pictures March 2014

This is a typical thing for Sean and miss Rebekah. haha

Andrea always has to get a "Nibling" shot with her little loves. She is the best Aunt any kid could have. 

These pictures are my favorite. We just let the kids go free and play with some toys we brought with us. They are such cuties. I love watching them all play together. Cousin LOVE :)