Sunday, January 25, 2015

Weekend fun!

Noah and Rebekah were sick for a few days last week and were miserable. We were so happy when they finally started to feel better. Friday Sean texted me and did he wanted to do something fun with the kids when he gets home from work. We decided to go have a picnic in the park for dinner. We invited Grandma Howell to go with us. We all had such a fun time. We went to Freestone Park. It's one of my favorite. There is a little carnival there that has always been closed when I've been but it was opened that day! We fed the ducks bread, ate dinner, played on the playground and then went to the carnival area. Noah had been on a log ride last year when we went to the wild life zoo with my family so this was his second time going on a ride. It was Rebekah's first time going on a ride. I was surprised how much they both loved it! The ski jet ride went pretty quickly but neither of them got scared. Noah kept yelling out to me "I'm not scared mommy! I'm not even scared!" Rebkeah kept pushing the handles wanting to to go faster. Haha. I teared up a little watching them. They are so big! They also rode in the carousel and the train that goes around the entire park. 

Saturday morning I took the kids to the Phoenix Zoo with my friend Jessica and her son Sam. The weather was perfect for a day at the zoo. Jessica is officially my favorite person to go to the zoo with. She is like me with not caring what we see. We just followed the kids and walked casually around. I loved not feeling rushed or having to see certain things. We walked around for about two hours and had lunch then went home. Noah's favorite part of the zoo was the baboons. He thought their butts were so funny and he didn't want to leave. Rebekah's favorite was the lion. She roared at the lion and kept pointing at it wanting it to roar back.  Sam loved the lion too. I enjoyed watching their reactions to the animals. They are growing up so much. I actually just let them walk around most of the time. The stroller mostly just served as a carrier for my diaper bag and lunch. They were so good with staying close by and listening. Afterward Jessica came home with us and we hung out til the evening when her husband picked her up. 

I'm so glad we got to have such a fun weekend with them before Abigail comes. It was nice being able to give them so much one on one attention. Their little personalities are growing and they are such sweet children. They make me so happy. I'm so blessed to be their mom :) 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I've been a bad blogger

Wow it has been months since I have updated my blog. I've missed thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and many pregnancy updates and stories about the kids. I keep meaning to write lately but I feel overwhelmed needing to write about all of those things. It's so much!! So instead I'm just going to give the readers digest version of most of it and do a lot of Instagram blogging. 

Thanksgiving/ Onda visit - Ondalynn came in town for a week for thanksgiving! It was one of the best weeks of the year! I love my tiny Onda sister. I have missed her so much since she moved to New York. Noah and Rebekah just love her! She was melting at all the sweet things they do. Thanksgiving day Sean had to work but he got off at 2pm. He went and picked up Onda from the airport. Me and the kids spent the morning at Elizabeth's house. Then Elizabeth, Scott me and the kids and Nele went on a hike up superstition mountain. The weather was perfect! Noah was so interested in all the plants. Scott told him all the names of the plants and a little about them. Rebekah just wanted to walk around and touch everything. Jim came into town too! He has been in Idaho for school. Since Nele and Constinte (German exchange students staying with Elizabeth and Scott) hadn't ever had turkey we made three different types! We had a roasted, fire pit and grilled. It was all delicious.  The rest of the week was spent hanging out with Onda! We went to the park, played outside and just enjoyed our time together. 

Christmas- We had a great day! Sean had to work Christmas Eve from 2pm-10pm so I took the kids out to Robyn's in laws house. We had a fun night. Noah and Rebekah just love Robyn. They unwrapped the gifts they got from Grandpa Mitch and Joan and from our neighbors. Then Christmas morning Sean and I watched them unwrap the gifts from us. We also did Google video chat with Sean's whole family. Seth got to call from his mission in Hong Kong. After he had to go we chatted more with Jason and Melissa and their family. Elizabeth (Seans mom) was in Maryland visiting them. We miss those kids so much! Rachel Alden and Noelle are so big now! I hope we get to see them sometime this year. Later that morning we went to Amanda's new house and did breakfast with my family. Carlos and Robyn made a fun game for us to play too. They wrapped a gift inside a box, covered it with boxing tape, then put that box in a box with a gift and a bunch of tissue paper and did it with three layers. Then everyone sat in a circle and took turns rolling two dice. When they got doubles they got to put socks on their hands and beat the box to try to get it to open until someone else got doubles. After we all opened gifts we went home for the kids to nap. That evening we had dinner at Scott's (Elizabeth's boyfriend) house with Seans brothers and Scott's daughter and her family. I love how easy going the day was. We didn't have any particular time we had to be anywhere so we didn't feel rushed and we got to just enjoy the day. Noah and Rebekah loved their gifts and had such a fun time seeing everyone. 

New Years- It was basically another night haha. Sean and I stayed home and watched tv while the kids slept. We were in bed by 9:30pm. I woke up when I heard the fireworks and they woke up Rebekah. I'm not a fan of fireworks when I'm sleeping haha. 

Pregnancy Instagram updates/ my midwife rocks- 
I can't believe the last time I blogged I was 27 weeks! I'm now 35 weeks tomorrow! I'm almost to full term :) Little Abigail will be here soon ! I'm feeling pretty good. I have been feeling more Braxton hicks but the heartburn isn't as bad. Little miss has been head down at every prenatal appointment I have had lately. It's always a good sign. I had my home visit with Stepahine my midwife and her assistant Amy and the other I have invited to be at my birth. My mom, Adriana (photos), Myrna ( video) and Tawna and Emily. And of course Sean! It was such a great appointment. I showed her the house. Which took like one minute since it's so tiny haha.  The kids played with Sean while Stephaine talked with me and everyone. My favorite part was when she did the normal prenatal check part. I laid in bed and everyone came into the room and got to listen to Abigail's heartbeat. Noah even got to hold the Doppler wand which he thought was so cool. Rebekah laid her head on my belly and kissed it. Then when Stephanie told me where Abigail was positioned Noah got excited and started to pat her butt. Since then everyday Noah loves patting my belly and saying hi to her. 

These are two memes I created.