Back in April the missionaries in our Ward called and asked Sean and I if we could take a couple that is investigating the church to the Easter Pageant. We of course were happy to oblige. It was great to go to the pageant and get to sit up at the very front. They have the first rows roped off for investigators and the missionaries. Also we both enjoyed meeting Russell & Angela. We hit it off with them right away. Then three weeks ago we were called again by the missionaries and asked if we would be interested in sitting in for one of their discussions.
For those of you who don't know what a "discussion" or "investigator" are
When someone is interested in learning more about the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we call them an investigator. The discussions are lessons taught by the missionaries to teach investigators about the Gospel. I was telling my roommate Brittany about going with the missionaries and some investigators to the Easter Pageant and she thought I was talking about private investigators. Like the police kind. It was a funny misunderstanding.
Any way, back to the story at hand, Sean and I have really enjoyed the time we have been able to spend with Russell and Angela. We went to their apartment earlier this week and got to sit in on the discussion the Elders were teaching. We both even got to bare our testimony's about how the Gospel has affected our lives and our marriage. My testimony has been strengthened by knowing this couple and seeing them as they learn of our Savior and His love for us. On Wednesday last week, we had the privilege of taking them to the visitors center at the Mesa Temple to meet with the missionaries and watch the Joseph Smith video. I've seen it many many times, yes its that good. The movie depicts the life and works of the Prophet Joseph Smith as he brought forth the restoration of the Gospel through the guidance of our Heavenly Father. If you haven't had the opportunity to see this movie you must take the time and go. Even if you have seen it before you should go again. They changed the it up a lot. It has a lot of the same scenes but also they added a new ending. Instead of ending with the death of Joesph Smith it goes on to explain that Brigham Young became the next Prophet and that The Mormons pioneered west to the Rocky Mountains. It is amazing! I love seeing how a young boy less educated than I am could be chosen by God to help him bring the true Gospel back to the earth. It just shows that no man is more favored in the sight of God. He makes great things out of the ordinary if we just give ourselves unto Him we can be made great!
After the video Angela said she really enjoyed it and it answered a lot of the questions she had had. I'm so happy that Sean and I have the privledge to be a part of this with them. I don't know if they will be getting baptized or not but I know that learning about the Gospel has blessed their lives.
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