Sean Noah and I went to the first OB appointment today. I have the same doctor as I did with Noah. He said that everything looks good and that I had a text book pregnancy with the last one so this one should be about the same. Thats always good to hear. The due date is June 30th. Sean and I are so happy to be expanding our family and we know Noah is going to be such a sweet big brother. This baby is a lucky guy or gal. We will know in another 3 months! I'm so grateful for the blessing to be a mother. And Sean is just the sweetest husband. I have been pretty sick the past 4 weeks. I have been puking since the week before we found out. And he has been such a sweet man taking care of me and Noah. I just love him and everything he does. I am one lucky girl to have snagged him :)
So I took a test on October 23rd because I had been puking so much. We had been trying since Sept so I didn't think it would happen that fast again. (if you remember last time we got pregnant after a week of trying, thats not very common.) So Sean Noah and I had just gotten back from getting dinner stuff from walmart and first thing I smell was peppers. Jessica had made a salad and left out some bell peppers and for whatever reason that smell just made me so very nauseous. I ran upstairs and puked. While cleaning up afterward I thought "hmm maybe I'm pregnant, probably not, and its too soon to test. I'm not supposed to start my period for another week. Hmm oh well, taking a test" so I took the test and right away it said positive! I ran down stairs and let Sean and Noah know the happiest news. They were so excited! So thats how we found out :) Yay for a baby! During the ultra sound today Noah bobbed his head to the sound of the heartbeat. He just loves music in all its forms. The music of life is the best. I know they are going to be such good friends :)
Yay for babies!!! I know that you already know this, but I'm so freaking excited for you! :D Keep growing little baby
ReplyDeleteSuch great news for you & your lil family! Love the pictures, hope the sickness goes away so you can feel 100% again, or at least, as close as you can when growing a baby :)