Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Picture Time For Noah

We got to have an ultra sound of Noah today! Yay! The last ultra sound was about 15 weeks ago and much growing and development has gone on since then. Our little guy is getting so big! We weren't able to see his face in the last one because he was being shy and kept his hands up on his face. When his hands weren't on his face his head was burrowed into my spine. Seems like he is just a shy little guy because he kept his hands and his feet in front of his face today too. After work today Sean and I went to the Dr office and Sean's Mom met us there. I think she really enjoyed be able to share this experience with us. We are glad grandma got to be there for Noah :) We were called back to the room before Elizabeth got there and the tech was just doing some measuring but she was unable to get any face shots. His foot was covering his whole face! Then as soon as Grandma got in the room he started moving more. It was sweet. He likes his Grandma Elizabeth! He didn't keep his face uncovered for very long but we did get a couple good pictures. They say he is about 4lbs 12 ounces so that means that if I have him at 40 weeks he will be about 7 or 8lbs. They got to that estimate because usually babies gain half a pound a week.  Here are the pictures of our handsome little man:

 His right foot is on the side of his head in this picture. He is such a silly baby.

 I love his lips! He totally has the Howell boy lips. He also has Sean's nose and chin. He is just our little Sean boy  :)
 This is a funny picture. His foot is on the right with his heel on his nose and his fist is on the left on his cheek under his eye. He just likes his face covered. He is one flexible baby! I don't know how he got his foot in that position. At one point he had both of his feet on his face and his hand under them with his ankles crossed. The rest of the time during the ultra sound his one foot was up to his face and the other foot was up on my ribs. His head was down on my bladder all day.

 Another good face shoot. I just love my little baby Noah man. I can't wait til he is here! I just want to hold him even more now that we got to see him again. Sean is so excited!

 This is his man-ness. He is definitely a boy. If you remember at the last ultra sound the tech sounded a little unsure and it made me unsure. I'm so happy to know that he is definitely a boy.

Tonight is the Bradley class as well. We were so bummed to have missed it last week so we are really looking forward to going even more than usual. We have been super busy with the plumbing problem I wrote about in an earlier post. There is a lot going on with it right now so I'll post about it after we have more of an idea of whats actually going to be taking place to fix it. So far there have been 3 plumbers, an insurance adjustor, water damage people and mold and water tester people all at our house within the last week. See what I said, BUSY! So more to come about that later.

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